Monday, October 17, 2011

response to constitution questions

1.  Would the founding fathers agree with the changes made to the Constitution, or do you think they would be disappointed?

 I think the founding fathers would be pleased with the changes that have been made to the Constitution.  They knew that the country would always be changing, that's why they made the Constitution able to  be edited.  If we could not change it, we would not be as far along in society as we already are, we would still be living in old days.  They might not agree with what we changed, but they would be able to understand our reasoning behind doing it.  

2. How is it that the Constitution has been changed so few times over such a long period? 

I also like this question because it makes people really think, not only about what the Constitution included, but about the way the citizens of the United States act as a whole. Everyone living in the US follow rules written on a piece of paper by people we never met before. We read about the founding fathers and see pictures of them, but we have never actually talked to them before. This piece of paper keeps our country alive and in order, and it is interesting to see how people follow it. The document has yet to crumple or fail, and I think because it keeps an order in the country, people will follow it. Sometimes people need guidelines to live life by, and the Constitution kind of acts as those guidelines.

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