Sunday, November 6, 2011

2000 election 2

8-10 Facts Learned:

1. The Supreme Court voted with a majority vote of 5-4 to stop the recount
2. Was decided in the Rehnquist Court
3. On December 8th, the Florida Supreme Court declared that a manual recount was required by law.
4. Bush vs. Gore was the 4th intervention by the Supreme Court
5. Ballots differ from county to county
6. In the 1960s and 70s there was an effort to use the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause to ensure more rule-bound decisions.
7. The decision lacked any basis in precedent
8. Poor countries have old machinery that successfully counts 97% of votes.

Post-Reading Questions:

1. What is the risk with minimalism?
2. Why aren't all voting cards the same?
3. Are the machines more accurate now?
4. How are people selected to count ballots?
5. How will we prevent what happened in this election from occurring again?

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