1. Joint Economic Committee:
- It is a bicameral Congressional Committee composed of ten members from each the Senate and the House.
- It was established by the Eployment Act of 1946.
- It makes a continuing study of matters relating to the US economy
- The committees was established in 1816; it is one of the original 10 standing committee of the Senate.
- Its main job is to help develop and influence US foreign policy.
- Through their power, the committee has helped shape foreign policies related to war, peace, and international relations.
- The committee originally began in 1869 as the Committee of Education: It was known throughout the late 1800s and early 1900s as the Education and Labor Committee.
- The committee has broad jurisdictions over the country's health care, education, employment, and retirement policies.
- The committee is composed of 23 Senators: 10 Republicans and 13 Democrats.
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