Sunday, November 6, 2011


Facts from movie:

  1. Possibly 200,000 possible voters never got to vote because their names were close to criminals names thus they were illegally ostracized from the election.
  2. Al Gore retracted his concession to Bush after hearing what was happening in Florida
  3. The Supreme Court ended the process of recounting Florida's votes
  4. the Florida state Supreme Court passed the case of Bush vs. Gore to the US Supreme Court
  5. there was great confusion over what was a vote and what was not a vote
  6. The Republicans stated that they were against dimpled chads, though their candidate George W. Bush's state policy was that the intent of a vote, an dimple, counted as a vote.
  7. In the trial Bush vs. Gore Bush won in a 5 to 4 split of the court.
  8. The recount was ended one day before the deadline.

  1. Would the Republicans agree with what the Democrat were trying to do if their positions were switched?
  2. What was the exact percent/ number of vote difference needed for a recount?
  3. How many people from Florida vote in the 2000 election?
  4. Is it normally extremely hard to get a recount?
  5. Are Jim and Chris really complete opposites or was their views dramatized for the movie?
  6. What would happen if there was a situation like that of in the movie Swing Vote?
  7. Should there be new machines/ ballots for future elections?
  8. What would have happened if Gore won in Bush vs. Gore?

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